Request for Funds

Submit Request

The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) is a nonprofit music-education organization whose central purpose is to promote excellence in choral music through performance, composition, publication, research, and teaching. In addition, ACDA strives through arts advocacy to elevate choral music’s position in American society.

The Washington State Chapter of ACDA follows the mission and purposes of the national organization of ACDA and makes available to its membership limited resources as seed money through a competitive application process to assist a project which serves the art of choral music within the state of Washington. The projects for which this funding may be requested must be in line with the Purposes of ACDA:

  • To foster and promote choral singing which will provide artistic, cultural, and spiritual experiences for the participants.
  • To foster and promote the finest types of choral music to make these experiences possible.
  • To foster and encourage rehearsal procedures conducive to attaining the highest possible level of musicianship and artistic performance.
  • To foster and promote the organization and development of choral groups of all types in schools and colleges.
  • To foster and promote the development of choral music in the church and synagogue.
  • To foster and promote the development of choral societies in cities and communities.
  • To foster and promote understanding of choral music as an important medium of contemporary artistic expression.
  • To foster and promote significant research in the field of choral music.
  • To foster and encourage choral composition of superior quality.
  • To cooperate with all organizations dedicated to the development of musical culture in America.
  • To foster and promote international exchange programs involving performing groups, conductors, and composers.
  • To disseminate professional news and information about choral music.

Directions for completing the form

A well thought out proposal benefits both the organization proposing and presenting the event as well as those who are considering the project for funding. As you organize your proposal, pay attention to detail and specifications, use concise, persuasive writing, and request reasonable funding. Clearly understand the Washington ACDA mission and purpose before you write your proposal to ensure your goals and objectives are in line. Proposal requests for funds up to $500 will be considered.

Submission requirements for consideration

You must be a member of ACDA to apply for funds and the event must serve a projected area of choral constituents in the state of Washington. Requests for projects serving a limited audience, such as a single school, will not meet the purpose of this fund. Requests that do not address all questions in the form will be disregarded. Concisely provide the nature of the request, the purpose, significant need, and objectives to be delivered for this proposal. Include the process for the event such as advertising/marketing, geographic location and what area of the state will be included in the project, future  continuation of the project or impact, and how this proposal meets the mission of WA-ACDA.

For Fall Projects
Application must be received by June 15; notification of funding/denials by August 1

For Spring Projects
Application must be received by September 15; notification of funding/denials by October 30

For Summer Projects
Application must be received by February 15; notification of funding/denials by March 30


WA-ACDA reserves the right to fund, partially fund, and/or deny any submitted request. All requests which meet our submission requirements will be reviewed. Feedback for unsupported fund requests explaining reasons for denying the request will not be provided.